Upgrade from kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 with raid disk : no block devices found

So I've upgraded my kubuntu 8.10 (64bit) to the 9.04 version.
All went smoothly until I reboot where I get this nice message :
no block devices found (4 times)
Gave up waiting for root device.
ALERT! /dev/md3 does not exist. dropping to a shell!
Apparently the raid configuration has been dropped during the upgrade.
I've filled a bug here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/358054
I don't know exactly what in my setup causes this, but it seems that it's a bug of the last kernel.
Probably my raid setup.
My computer is made of :
P5N32-E Sli plus motherboard
C2D 6250
4GB of RAM
2x 250GB SATA, RAID1 software for linux (sdc, sdd)
2x150GB Raptor SATA Raid0 for windows (fake raid from motherboard) (sda, sdb)
To get my system back on line I just need to do this in the busybox shell :
mdadm -As
The first line reassemble my RAID1 array, and the second line leave busybox, which lead the system to try to resume the boot process. (well i've found this at almost 3AM grrr...)
I didn't figure out on how to fix this (ie no more drop to a shell).
Apparently, booting with a previous version of the kernel solves the issue, but during the upgrade process, it has erased all my previous kernel ;)
Also I've been able to chroot to my system (I tryed to reinstall grub with no luck) and I did the following :
mdadm --assemble --scan
mkdir /mnt
mount -t ext3 /dev/md3 /mnt
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
mount -t proc none /mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs none /mnt/sys
mount -t ext2 /dev/md0 /mnt/boot
mount -t ext3 /dev/md2 /mnt/var
chroot /mnt /bin/bash
Don't try to startX from there, it will start but with no mouse & keyboard you can't do that much...
I'll update if I found a fix...
18/04/2009 : update, the last kernel solves the issue.
Altough at boot time I still se the "no block devices found" 4 times, but it succeed to startup.