Reset Bacula database and files

Today I need to purge my bacula for several reasons.

Here is how I did.

First backup the database and files used in your previous setup, one never knows you might actually need it after the purge...

/usr/bin/mysqldump -aecqQ bacula > bacula_before_purge.sql

and copy the volumes and bsr files.

Stop bacula :

service bacula-director stop
service bacula-fd       stop
service bacula-sd       stop

then :

mysql -u root -p
drop database bacula;
create database bacula;

next we need to recreate bacula tables. There's a bacula script to do that, but the file needs to be changed to set the correct database name.

cp /usr/share/bacula-director/make_mysql_tables ~/
vi ~/make_mysql_tables

change XXX_DBNAME_XXX by your bacula database (let's say 'bacula')
save and exit.

then run as root the script

it should have recreated the tables :
mysql -u root -p
use bacula;
show tables;
| Tables_in_bacula |
| BaseFiles        |
| CDImages         |
| Client           |
| Counters         |
| Device           |
| File             |
| FileSet          |
| Filename         |
| Job              |
| JobMedia         |
| Location         |
| LocationLog      |
| Log              |
| Media            |
| MediaType        |
| Path             |
| Pool             |
| Status           |
| Storage          |
| UnsavedFiles     |
| Version          |
21 rows in set (0.00 sec)

next you need to delete the existing volume and bsr files.
In my case I just change the location of the bacup (bacula-sd.conf 'Archive Device')

restart your bacula services and run a job to check everything is OK.
service bacula-director start
service bacula-fd       start
service bacula-sd       start 

Image from


Jonah Dorman said…
Thanks. You saved me a lot of trouble.
Randall Mauriel said…
How do I save and exit after "vi ~/make_mysql_tables"???

Manson Thomas said…
Escape key


which mean write & quit

Unknown said…
After changing XXX_DBNAME_XXX to 'bacula' and when I enter command : ~/make_mysql_tables
I get an error message as below

/root/make_mysql_tables: 11: /root/make_mysql_tables: Bad substitution

Any solution??
Manson Thomas said…
double check your file I guess...

Honestly, it's been quite a while since I've done this setup (and You're probably using a newer version right ?)... So I guess I won't be very useful.

Subscribe to the bacula user mailing list, and ask for help there ;)
Randall Mauriel said…
Thanks Manson Thomas, in the future I will use nano :D
Manson Thomas said…
hehe ;)

vi is a good tool, but I understand that it's a bit confusing ;)
Dave said…
Very helpful.... One additional tidbit: if you have used a bacula-specific MySQL user account (in the Catalog configuration of bacula-dir.conf), don't forget to grant that user all privileges on the newly re-created bacula database! Not doing this causes a silent failure in startup of the director...

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